Out of the box

Podcast Episode 223

No matter how many times I take a stage I am always surprised by the amount of people that feel they are not capable of "thinking outside of the box". 

My clients are no different. Often times this is the first hurdle they need to get over. It is why I dedicated a whole chapter in my book How to Collaborate to this topic. 

The truth is we all have this muscle, we just somewhere in adulthood forgot to keep using it. 

Today I am going to take you through this very simple exercise so that you can find that muscle again and together we can start to activate it to it's best level. 

There are some special gifts at the end as well so if you like free stuff stay tuned on how to get those. 

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Don’t forget to hand in your homework:

Complete the homework from this episode and the first 5 people to send it in will get a special package of prizes mailed to them.

…now go and grow that muscle!


Scalable Fulfillment


Small Business CEO