The Myth of Life Work Balance

Unyime Oguta

Podcast Episode 230

Have you struggled with trying to figure out how to make work life balance a thing. Trying to be all things on all fronts, personal and business. Do you sit at the end of the day and wonder how the hell others are managing it? 

The truth is my guest today Unyime found the answer and it may really surprise you. 

Who is Unyime?

Unyime Oguta is a Life Strategist, Mentor, and Speaker for working moms who desire to achieve career success while prioritizing their family and life goals. Drawing from her personal journey as a professional leader and working mom of three, Unyime understands the struggles of wearing multiple hats and juggling various responsibilities. She also believes that creating a life that feels as good on the inside as it looks on the outside is simple and possible.

Having recovered from burnout twice, Unyime founded Olive and Bliss Wellness to support moms in cultivating skills and fostering environments where they can thrive and create the lives of their dreams while maintaining their health, wellbeing, and relationships.

Through private coaching and mentorship, and speaking engagements, Unyime leads women with a deep understanding of the importance of personal power, self-leadership and leveraging collaboration and support to navigate the complexities of life as a mom. 

To connect with Unyime further:




Don’t forget…

to sign up for her free email community called Permission Granted.

Permission Granted is a weekly email series to help moms ditch guilt, drop people-pleasing, and create life on their terms. By joining, you will access a free audio class called "Mindset Shifts for Thriving" where Unyime shares 3 perspectives will that will help you change how you think about yourself, and give you the courage to ditch mom guilt, drop people-pleasing, and create life on your terms. 

You will also receive her weekly coaching pep talk, actionable strategies, and be the first to know about special offers and exclusive coaching experiences to help you thrive in motherhood and life. You can have it all without burnout. 


…now go and create on your terms!


Without this you don’t have a brand


Questions for a Successful Life